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Главная » 2012 » Ноябрь » 19 » ESWC 2012
ESWC 2012 [Добавить в закладки]

Создатель: by MsTsN
Год создания: 2012
Длительность: 20 мин 37 сек
This is just a quick readme file to explain a few things about this movie.

First of all unfortunatly i couldnt get online my whole footage about group A online in time that's why in the first part there is not that much footage .
I want also to apologize because i used one footage from Ey3shield & some casting from theDemoVault and i forgot to put them on the credits at the end so i put it here !
I kinda rushed that movie because working with the GOTV wasn't funny with autodirectors problems and stuff that kinda kill my initial motivation. Now it is fixed tho biggrin
Sometimes you'll notice that the irl sound is not good, there was loads of noise at this event so the sound recording wasn't good at all. I tried to find a balance where you can hear
what is shout but not heard the background music that's why sometimes it's weird.

Musics used can be found at the end of the movie.

Thanks to Steelseries, Crystal-serv, Askew, Gaming-Store which are supporting VaKarM.net and allows me to get all that footage !

I know it's not my best movie, but i still hope you'll enjoy it !
Категория: Counter-Strike: GO | Просмотров: 875 | Добавил: OzZu | Дата: 19.11.2012 | Теги: ESWC, 2012 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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