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Главная » Counter-Strike » The Leet World

Элитный Мир: Сезон 1 Эпизод 12 [Добавить в закладки]

Everyone in the house is nervous now that Ahmad’s hax addiction is out in the open. Will the teams band together to put a stop to his rampant abuse, or will the Terrorists have to sort the problems out for themselves. Also, with all of these distractions, will anyone notice the secret threat that looms over the house and all of the contestants? And will this disastrous conflict force a duel between master and student?

Ultimate Ninja Terrorist Skin created by Ralconn.

Категория: The Leet World | Просмотров: 1090 | Добавил: OzZu | Дата: 15.07.2010 | Теги: css, ralconn, Terrorists, TheLeetWorld, Addiction, Ultimate Ninja, Ahmad, The Leet World, Counter-Strike Source, HAX | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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