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Главная » 2012 » Август » 29 » Restricted GO 2
Restricted GO 2 [Добавить в закладки]

Создатель: by biBa
Год создания: 2012
Длительность: 02 мин 11 сек
Музыка: Lost Autumn - Anthem for the weak
The 2nd CS:GO Movie is finally done. Thanks for over 4000 likes on the first part. This one contains only prebeta and the updated beta scenes. The game will be released tomorrow the 21th of august and hopefully bring some new updates. Re-editing the deathnotice was again a fucking hard photoshop work of over 10 hours. You should respect the workinput that was going into this movie. Also some smooth's had to be redone because it's sometimes damn laggy - took me a loooooot of time.

a like always pushes my motivation to keep my quality for you as high as possible.

If you want a 3rd part for the final version let me know it and show some love and some noscope skills as always smile I will only take competitive frags in the future from taged up scrims, cups, wars and lan matches if the game is out. NO PUB SCENES OR RANDOM MIXES - thanks. I also have some connections with GeT RiGhT and going to be produce a pro movie if everything works fine.
Категория: Counter-Strike: GO | Просмотров: 844 | Добавил: OzZu | Дата: 29.08.2012 | Теги: go, restricted | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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