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Главная » 2009 » Май » 2 » ESCALATION
ESCALATION [Добавить в закладки]

Video Information:
Producer: Enix.HD
Uploaded By: Snip3r
Length: 06:11
Size: 191.91MB
Resolution: 840x528

First of all the introduction to this movie was very professional which is something that is hard to pull off. At the start I was confused about this movie because it took place on office, then I quickly realized this wasn't a frag movie but a movie with a storyline. The sync and intensity set the mood to pull the theme off. The bullet sound effects were amazing and the cameras were set and changed locations almost perfectly. Some of the footage was a little laggy in places but overall it wasn't too bad. When the movie switches to first person POV it was perfect. From there on in everything seemed to flow and seem Hollywood like. One thing I didn't really like was the HUD drawn on the screen for the two players. This film is the definition of clutch, however, the end ruined it in that perspective. Still, having gone through lots of stress converting this movie from its original format to a codec we could use was definitely worth it. I don't care what anybody tells me having editing that with all those angles and sound effects definitely isn't easy. Two huge thumbs up from me.

Категория: Counter-Strike: Source | Просмотров: 1322 | Добавил: OzZu | Дата: 02.05.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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