UPDATE 1: Added new headgear, gear and body options
Install tutorial from Millenia
1) unarchive the materials & models folders into steamapps/common/Counter-Strike Global Offensive/csgo/ 2) BACK UP PAK01_DIR.VPK IN CASE YOU SCREW SOMETHING UP! 3) open up pak01_dir.vpk in Notepad++ or some other proper editor (Regular notepad will probably break your pak01_dir.vpk, so don't use that) 4) Use find & replace to find all instances of tm-balkin-varianta (Use underscores not hyphens,) tm-balkin-variantb, tm-balkin-variantc, tm-balkin-variantd and tm-balkin-variante and replace those with anything else, say, zm-balkin-varianta, zm-balkin-variantb, zm-balkin-variantc, zm-balkin-variantd and zm-balkin-variante for ease. What this does is basically it points the VPK to a file that doesn't exist, and forces it to load loose files - ie. my model/textures. 5) For the sleeves search for t-arms-balkan and go down 8 times. 6) Change t-arms-balkan to z-arms-balkan and save 7) Go in game and enjoy