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Главная » 2009 » Апрель » 23 » my myANALOG
my myANALOG [Добавить в закладки]

Video Soundtrack:
The Flashbulb - Kirlian Voyager

Producer: TNK Studios
Uploaded By: Jinxed
Length: 01:56
Size: 97.34MB
Resolution: 800x480

This movie was sort of confusing for me. Why would they go ahead and use the same exact song, and the same title for a movie. The intro was not at all interesting, but when the frag part started up, things sped up nicely. The differences between "my myANALOG" and the original are pretty apparent after watching the first few seconds. The quality of frags featured in the new one are not as high as the original. Although the frags weren't as good, the editing was way better in this one. The creativity, though the effects were a lot better in this one, is pretty bad. When Fiter remade "Eve", he used an entirely different song and editing style. Overall the movie did nearly the same for me. The song, though already used, along with the improved editing made this one enjoyable to watch.

Категория: Counter-Strike | Просмотров: 1412 | Добавил: OzZu | Дата: 23.04.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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