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Главная » 2009 » Март » 1 » 101
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Создатель: by Anthony Perfetto
Год создания: 2009
Длительность: 4 Минут 38 Секунд
Описание мувика:

Well, that was fun.

This project started out as unserious as it could get and turned into a full fledged short that i wanted to finish and release.

A few things to remember while watching:

-The ingame sound has a lot of bass in it and sounds pretty awful in my opinion. I have no idea how to fix it and yes, I've tried. I think it is my onboard audio finally dying. Sorry for that.

-Yes, there are clips that only have half ingame, half not and even clips without ingame altogether. I did this on purpose to impliment something I call Selective Ingame. I only applied ingame when it would help the sync/mood of the movie and left it out when it would ruin the sync/mood.

-The effect at __ is, indeed, my attempt to mimic andreas' signature effect he used in Blue Sun and Just Milk on Head. I thought it is a fantastic transition and found it fun to try to copy it. I failed miserably, but it was still enjoyable.

-And finally, yes...this whole movie is made from clips from Evequal. If you saw the Evequal Beta then you will see some familiar clips. You might also see the Evequal beta implimented in a future movie!

© Anthony Perfetto
Категория: Counter-Strike | Просмотров: 1032 | Добавил: OzZu | Дата: 01.03.2009 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0

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